The film will release on January 10, during Sankranti. The much-awaited teaser of Power star Pawan Kalyan’s Agnyaathavaasi was released on Saturday. The action-packed trailer reminds us of the previous outing of Pawan-Trivikram combination Attarintiki Daredi in which Pawan was a wealthy businessman, on a mission to reunite his family. Meanwhile, Gaali Veluga, the second song from the Pawan Kalyan film was released earlier this week. A music video of the song was released by Anirudh, who dubbed the song as a tribute to Pawan Kalyan.
Agnyaathavaasi is Pawan Kalyan’s 25th film, and this is his third combination with Trivikram, who earlier directed Jalsa and Attarintiki Daredi, both blockbusters. Music for the film is by Anirudh Ravichander, who is making his debut in Tollywood. The first single Bayatiki Vachi Chuste has already become a huge hit. The film is being produced by S Radha Krishna under the banner Haarika & Haasine Creations. For the first time, Keerthy Suresh has been paired with Pawan Kalyan. Anu Emmanuel is also playing an important role in the film. The cast also includes Khushboo, Boman Irani, Rao Ramesh and others. According to reports, the theatrical rights of the film have been sold out for a record price. The makers announced that the film will have a massive release across the USA. Agnyaathavaasi will have the biggest ever release in USA in 209 Cinemark locations which is the highest for an Indian film. Recently the title of the film was announced and the first look poster was launched, which fans dubbed a perfect blend of class and mass, calling it a unique trait of both Pawan Kalyan and director Trivikram Srinivas. The film is stated to release on Sankranti. |
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