DESPITE BEING HER DEBUT FILM IN TAMIL, SAI PALLAVI WILL BE SEEN DUBBING IN HER OWN VOICE. Actor-filmmaker-choreographer Prabhudheva released the official trailer for director AL Vijay’s upcoming film Karu which marks the debut of Premam beauty Sai Pallavi in Tamil. Sai Pallavi’s entry in Tamil had been long awaited by her fans in the state. Vijay has definitely made a very good impression on the minds of the audience with the trailer. The trailer begins by quoting the definition of abortion as the ‘expulsion of a foetus before it is able to survive independently.’
Karu is a woman-centric horror drama that’ll touch upon the issue of abortion. Recently during the media interaction, Vijay opened up about the film and said Karu focuses on the bond between a mother and her four-year-old daughter. The film which will also release in Telugu as Kanam, stars Naga Shaurya and RJ Balaji apart from Sai Pallavi. Bankrolled by Lyca Productions, it has Nirav Shah for cinematography and Antony for the edits. Despite being her debut film in Tamil, Sai Pallavi will be seen dubbing in her own voice. She initially appeared in an uncredited role along with Kangana Ranaut in Dhaam Dhoom. She was supposed to debut in Tamil with Mani Ratnam's last outing Kaatru Veliyidai, but after shooting for a couple of days she stepped out of the movie. She was brought on board for the remake of the hit Malayalam film Charlie, with Madhavan in the lead, but the project has been shelved for the time being. Later she also opted out of Vikram’s film Sketch directed by Vijay Chandra citing date issues. She recently made her Telugu debut with Sekhar Kammula’s romantic comedy, Fidaa, which was critically acclaimed and garnered good reviews. Sai Pallavi is current busy with Nani's next MCA (Middle-Class Abbayi) which is scheduled to hit the theatres this December. She will start work on Maari 2 starring Dhanush soon. Balaji Mohan who is going to helm Maari 2 has assured fans that she will have a very strong role in the film. |
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