The actor will soon join the sets of 'U Turn' remake. Samantha Akkineni’s fans are in for a big treat with three of her films slotted for back-to-back releases. Reports coming in from the tinsel town are that Irumbu Thirai, a Tamil film in which she is paired opposite Vishal, is scheduled for release on March 29 and on the same day, the multi-lingual – Mahanati/Nadigayar Thilagam will also be out.
The next day, her fans will get to see her in Rangasthalam in which she will be sharing the screen space with the Tollywood star Ram Charan. Irumbu Thirai features Samantha Ruth Prabhu as the lead heroine, marking her first-time association with Vishal and Action King Arjun is playing the antagonist in the film. Directed by PS Mithran, the film is produced by Vishal under his banner Vishal Film Factory. Yuvan Shankar Raja has composed music for this venture with George cranking the camera and Ruben editing it. Mahanati/Nadigayar Thilagam is a biopic on the legendary actor Savitri. Directed by Nag Ashwin, the film has Samantha playing a journo and the film is told from her perspective. Bankrolled under the banner Vyjayanthi Movies it has Mickey J Meyer composing music with cinematographer Dani Sanchez-Lopez cranking the camera. In Rangasthalam, she is paired opposite Ram Charan Teja for the first time in her career. The film is directed by Sukumar and produced by Naveen Yerneni, Y Ravi Shankar and Mohan Cherukuri under the banner Mythri Movie Makers. Devi Sri Prasad has composed music for this flick with R Rathnavelu wielding the camera and Navin Nooli editing. With three of her films gearing up for release, Samantha is ready to join the sets of the U Turn remake. This Kannada movie will be made in Tamil and Telugu and Pawan Kumar, who had directed the original, will be wielding the megaphone for it. |
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